What photographer Nancy Floyd and Ibram X. Kendi can teach us about being free and equal.
What Triggers Your Habit?
A Quick Tool to Reduce Chronic Stress. Habit change doesn't have to be painful!
Three M.L.K. Jr quotes on change—personal and collective. Plus, a coloring book for the Inaugural!
Fighting Violence with Kindness
"New Year, New You" got me this year... but only for a minute.
A Bomb in Nashville, The New Year & Making Choices On Purpose
Taylor Swift's Floatation Device & 9 Good News Stories from 2020
Time & A 3-Minute Laugh
Sisters making wine, and immigrants sharing food.
The Habit Trip is out today!
What does "microdosing wellness" mean?
We did it!! Now how can I help?
Love: A Different Kind of Overwhelm
Ten Areas of Well-Being
What version of you will wake up on November 4th or in the New Year?
What happens when all the tools stop working?
A Comedian, A Novel, and A Podcast
"Psychological First Aid"
Something To Hold On To (and a video hello from me)