My birthday was this past weekend, and I found myself exploring an outdoor vegan food/dog rescue festival, wildly impressed by the turnout at the Nashville Women's March, and sitting on my screened porch with friends during a beautiful fall rain storm. Simple things, right?
Yesterday's Facebook/Instagram outage was a fascinating reminder for a lot of my clients about what it feels like to go offline for a bit.
This week at Forbes' Hey, Health Coach, I heard from a mom who is overwhelmed and looking for "everyday ways to relax."
When I’m working with someone who can’t decide (or remember) how to chill out, we go snooping through 10 areas of life we all share. I wrote about them in The Habit Trip, and each area offers a grab bag of ways to relax.
She's got options for relief. We all do. They’re just tangled up in the frenzy, so, in this week's column, I made her a menu of pleasures to pick from. You can read it HERE.
Fall is on the way! What will make life (and your body) feel good and strong as the days get shorter? "You're a kid in a candy store. What sweet relief will you choose?"
Much love,

"Have you noticed that a lot of riders are actually larger? Runners, too. There are 2X and 3X athletes out there hoofing it, and they really don’t have anything great to wear... Most companies direct their high-end products at elite athletes, but I wanted to switch the game and give entry-level folks everything."
Designer and entrepreneur, CJ Riggins created Rsport to offer supportive, highly functional activewear for Athena athletes. You can read her story and what makes the clothing different here!
This is the final installment in my 5-part series about diversity and inclusion in endurance sport for Triathlete Magazine.

Last, I wanted to pass along a story that likely got lost in last week's news. You might recall that, in 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that half of Oklahoma is Native American land. This week the First Americans Museum opened in Oklahoma City.
The site includes a large mound that honors "the great civilizations that were here before us... our ancestors throughout North America, and inside that mound we have a solstice tunnel, which marks the shortest day of the year... The sun will set perfectly in that tunnel and has a beautiful light that shines through it. Then in the summertime, the sun will set at the apex of the mound... the whole site is a giant cosmological clock.'”
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