6:26 p.m. on Saturday night, before Biden and Kamala took the stage, I was busy burning my son's pizza to a crisp while dancing wildly in my kitchen to a soundtrack of Leon Bridges Bad Bad News and Bill Withers' Lovely Day, with a little Lucie Silvas Kite on the side, "Baby, you're down to earth, but she's gonna own the sky. Boy, you better hold those strings 'cause she's gonna fly away."
And then Kamala took the stage and told our kids, "To the children of our country, regardless of your gender, our country has sent you a clear message: Dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see yourself in a way that others might not see you, simply because they’ve never seen it before."
And I lost it. Again.
Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Every day, I coach people who don't think they have enough to offer, who are doing everything they can to stay above water and be good humans, but they don't think their exquisite, unique contributions are valuable enough to matter. And, truthfully, I'm no different. I see power in them but lose sight of it when looking at myself. Too often, we apologize and pull back, even when we're trying to do good in the world. We dim our own lights—but the dimmer switch just broke.
Kamala may be talking to the kids, but sign me up because I'm ready for what she's preaching. The catharsis of last week left me with a simple but urgent question:
What can I do to help? What is the best I can I do with what I know? I can always donate, volunteer, write letters, and make phone calls—and will continue to do so. But I can do more. Professionally, I'm uniquely poised to help people put a skip in their step while pursuing the work, the activism, and the care-taking that matters to them.
My new book isn't a political manifesto. It isn't even a self-help book in the traditional sense, as there is no advice given. It's a storybook born of my love for Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein—and my fascination with behavioral health. But the reader of this story is the one with all of the answers. The Habit Trip is guided by purpose, told through a fairy tale, and implemented through the structure of small rituals and daily routines. At its best, this book is a roadmap for kindness: toward ourselves and each other. It lights a fire under what's next for each of us, as individuals and as a collective.
I'm putting together a launch team to help me get this out into the world on December 1st, a group of folks who want to get an early peek at the first chapter, post reviews in key spots, and share with their friends. This group will also get signed, personalized, free bookplates for up to ten books, which can make for a fun holiday gift. If you want in (and you've got 5 minutes to spare for the cause on 12/1), CLICK HERE, and you'll get access to the chapter!
I've got breath in my lungs again, and I hardly know what to do with it. What about you? What does "next" look like for you?
"Dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see yourself in a way that others might not see you, simply because they’ve never seen it before." - Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris
Much love,
Photo: Wulf Bradley/Harper's Bazaar
Politically and logistically, the best we can do to keep this momentum going is to donate to Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight Action—follow her and wait for further instructions. She is leading the charge in Georgia. We can do the same with the Senate candidates in GA who don't have the luxury of breathing easily just yet: Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.
I hope you're taking a moment to drink this in. WE DID IT.

If you know someone who could benefit from this Monday Message, please share it with a friend. They can SIGN UP HERE.
Past posts can be found HERE.