Jana Fain-Rossen is the Senior Director of Operations and Staff Events at Funny or Die in Los Angeles, CA... yes, THAT Funny or Die! She is Dolly Parton's biggest fan and built a huge, beautiful, new library at her daughter's elementary school this year. She wears feather boas, rents party buses on the regular, and is spearheading the Los Angeles release for Physical Disobedience.
If you could have any three, living women over for dinner, who would they be and why?
Hillary Clinton because she is a trailblazer who was breaking down barriers before women even realized the barriers were there to be broken. Nancy Pelosi because she is another trailblazer and the 52nd House Speaker—the highest political office of any female politician in American history! Either Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Oprah - RBG because she spent a large chunk of her legal career on the advancement of gender equality and women's rights before becoming a Justice on the Supreme Court! Oprah because she is a rules crusher. She grew up poor, black and female in the south and despite all of that became one of the most successful female entertainers/influencers in the world. (Beyonce', Dolly Parton, Kamala Harris - Do I have to stop at 3 choices?! I have folding tables, and I can fit all of these women at my table.) :-)
What are a few things that currently infuriate you?
The Russian-elected impostor sitting in the White House, the wage gap for women, the lack of affordable childcare, homelessness, the Superintendent of LAUSD trying to gaslight parents into painting teachers as bad guys.
And a few that inspire you?
Sarah inspires me! I don't know many people who set out to do something, make a plan and actually DO IT. That is inspiring. [*Sarah here - I did not pay her to say that!]
And my mom inspires me. After almost 2. 5 years of being sick and in and out of the hospital, she is on fire with dreams, ideas, and excited about her future.
When anger or frustration builds, do you feel it in your body? If so, how or where?
Yep. My neck. Sometimes my entire body tingles.
How do you relieve those symptoms? What are your fail-safe, behavioral release valves?
Usually deep breath, a walk around the block, a good cry in the bathroom, or a glass of wine.
What kind of exercise, alternative therapy, or play have you always wanted to try but never got around to it?
Pilates! But it looks so hard.
Describe something beautiful (or beautifully disobedient) that you saw recently.
My daughter. She was coming up with a cuckoo hairstyle to go with her outfit that didn't match in any way shape of form. It was awesome.
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